Ask the Sustainability Team

 We are invited to align our personal and community actions with the seven goals of LSAP to achieve sustainability in all of our efforts; to use LSAP as the lens through which we express our Dominican charism. Post your question below and our Sustainability Team will respond. 


  1. Which is more Earth-friendly to wash dishes: by hand or by dish washer?

    1. It's actually better to use the dish washer, if it is full!

  2. I read that plastic has conquered almost every area of our lives and can be found in numerous household products as well as in food. Could you share some examples?

  3. This is a HUGE question, not to be answered in a short response. Plastic is everywhere. Look at the containers your shampoo, your dishwashing soap, your laundry detergent, your water bottles, and your personal products come in and you’ll get an idea. Not to mention plastic bags and beverage bottles, the plastic wrap that covers food, the coatings found in food packaging and “paper” wrapped fast foods, and the storage containers where you save leftovers. These are the obvious ones and there are alternatives to all of them. Then there are the plastics you don’t normally think of…those found in cosmetics, for example and the textiles you wear, polyester and acrylics. When you launder your clothes, these fibers break down and are carried with the water into the waste stream eventually ending up in the oceans, producing 35% of the microplastic pollution there to be eaten by small organisms that are eaten by larger ones that are eaten by fish that are eventually eaten by you! They are definitely in "every area of our lives."

  4. Laudato Si (#CreationCare) is central to our #BelovedCommunity mission, as is Fratelli Tutti.

    We'd love to involve Sinsinawa Dominicans in our effort to catalyze Pope Francis' call for a Politics of Love, which will expedite a #CaringEconomy and #CreationCare.
    Norlyn Dimmitt
    630-362-4663 (funding the movement)


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